Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Basic Formulas in online Advertising : CTR CALCULATION and CR CALCULATION


CTR is click through rate , it measures the effectiveness of any advertisement . It is calculated by using a simple formula as below :

Example  : A campaign having 728×90 Ad has served 10,000 impressions and has generated  100 clicks so what will be CTR of that Ad ?

CTR = (number of clicks / number of impressions) x 100

using above metrics ,

CTR = (100/10000) x 100 = 1 %

1% CTR means on every 100 impression there is one click.


CR is conversion rate , to calculate the conversion rate a simple formula is used :

CR = (number of conversions/Impressions) x 100 ,

so if number of conversion made are 20 in 1000 impressions , the conversion rate will be (20/1000) = 0.02 %

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